The Ultimate Fluency Study Guide and
Zoom Coaching

  • Basic Plan: $128

    Self-guided; no 1:1 Zoom coaching
    Online coaching sessions can be bought separately

    Self-guided; no support
    Access to email and in-course Q&A sections, to ask questions, is not available

    Customized lessons
    Only learn what you need without wasting time on low-priority English

    Lifetime access to the UFSG:
    62 video lessons, 51 text lessons, 48 speaking practices & 5500+ audio clips

    Risk-free offer
    100% satisfaction guaranteed for
    first 14 days after purchase

    ✔ Zoom coaching available; sold separately

  • Pro Plan: $338

    6 sessions of 1:1 Zoom coaching
    Book your six 40-minute sessions within 12 weeks after purchase

    Full support
    Use Zoom sessions, email or in-course Q&A sections to ask questions

    Customized lessons
    Only learn what you need without wasting time on low-priority English

    Lifetime access to the UFSG:
    62 video lessons, 51 text lessons, 48 speaking practices & 5500+ audio clips

    Risk-free offer
    100% satisfaction guaranteed for
    first 14 days after purchase

    ✔ Extra Zoom coaching available

  • Zoom Coaching: $188

    200 minutes (5 x 40-minute sessions)
    Schedule as little as one lesson per week or as many as five per week

    Flexible times
    Mon - Thurs: 7:30 - 20:30; Fri 7:30 - 15:00; Saturday 8:00 - 15:00

    Customized lessons
    Your individual weak areas will be targeted for best results; no wasted time

    Pay as you go
    There is no obligation to pre-buy sessions; buy more only when you run out

    Sold separately
    Buy Zoom coaching sessions on their own or add them to any course

To get unstuck and become fluent, I just need to study harder, right?

If effort guaranteed success, everyone would be fluent!

I've met many English learners who felt nervous about speaking with natives or couldn’t communicate clearly even after going to big language schools for 6+ months, graduating from a local college or working in Canada for up to twenty years. At some point, they all “tried harder” at becoming fluent, but it didn't make a difference; so, what was the real cause behind their disappointing English, which never seemed to improve beyond an intermediate level?

Unfortunately, “studying harder” doesn’t work if you’re studying the wrong things, like grammar, idioms and difficult vocabulary words that you'll never use in conversation.

The truth is most Asians struggle with spoken English because they focus on grammar, and they never learn accurate pronunciation or build strong English-speaking habits, which are absolutely necessary for becoming fluent.

The Ultimate Fluency Study Guide is not for everyone, and it may not be right for you.

If you want to stop feeling nervous around native speakers, get unstuck or finally use English to achieve your life goals, then it’s time to go outside your comfort zone, take action and try a different approach.

The Ultimate Fluency Study Guide is a roadmap towards fluency. It's packed full of my proven lessons and effective practices, which I developed over 12+ years of helping Asians target their weak areas, break free from bad speaking habits and get great results. Experience the same level of success by enrolling today!

I look forward to getting to know you in the 1:1 coaching sessions and making a difference in your English journey.


Kind Words from Past Students

Pronunciation is more important than grammar!

by Tomo

Every time I took Teacher Joe’s class, it was like scales falling from my eyes. First of all, at a regular language school, the basics of pronunciation are not taught well or not at all. Japanese tend to focus on the pronunciation of R and L, but we don’t realize that the pronunciation of A and other vowels are a bigger challenge. By taking teacher Joe’s class, I was able to learn how to pronounce every problem sound and use them in conversation. Also, if I made a mistake in pronunciation or grammar while speaking, he immediately corrected it. I didn’t believe Joe in the beginning when he told me pronunciation was more important than grammar, but it’s true. If your grammar is correct, but your pronunciation is wrong then you won’t communicated clearly. However, if your pronunciation is correct, you can still say what you want to say, even if you have some grammatical mistakes. In addition to improving pronunciation, Joe also teaches “real English”, like useful vocabulary, simple grammar and natural speaking ability. If you want to speak English, make sure to learn the basics of pronunciation and take Joe’s lesson!

Improved Speaking Score From
6 to 8!

by Kohei

Joe’s lesson is arguably the best one in Toronto. The lessons are balanced and improve all areas, like: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, etc. Before meeting Joe, I was really impressed with my English ability, but then I realized I had a lot of problems with pronunciation. I had opportunities to talk to other tutors, but the only person who could fix my mistakes was Joe. In fact, I was able to stretch my IELTS speaking score from a 6 to an 8. Without any doubt, I was only able to get this far with Joe’s teaching. I definitely recommend Joe’s lessons to everyone.

Surprised At How Much I learned

by Keiko

I have attended four language schools because I was never satisfied and kept searching for better classes. I thought the quality of a language school depended on its students and the atmosphere of the classroom. Now I realize my thinking was incorrect; I should have looked for a school that gave me better results. When I first started taking Joe’s lessons, I was surprised because I learned new things that were completely different from the language schools I attended. Not only did he teach me pronunciation but how to speak in a more native way. I remember thinking that this was the English I wanted to learn. I was delighted by Joe’s enthusiasm and unique teaching style. He made learning English fun again. I am very happy to have learned more practical English and more effective ways to study.

Improved My Listening

by Kazumasa

At first I went to a language school. However, I didn't feel like it was fun or interesting, so I stopped immediately and looked for a new school. I found TES where teacher Joe corrects pronunciation, grammar and collocation mistakes instantly. In particular, his pronunciation teaching was clear. I also highly recommend this class for those who want to improve their listening. He said that if I can't hear sounds correctly then I can't pronounce them correctly. After taking Joe's lesson, my TOEIC listening score increased from 220 to 420!

Pronounce English Like A Native

by Satoko

When I came to Canada on a working holiday visa, I had trouble with English. Of course, I didn’t have any vocabulary or grammar, but my pronunciation was the worst. I couldn’t convey simple words and went to various English school trials without any results. TES was really helpful because my pronunciation was thoroughly corrected, and my speaking improved. I would never have learned how to pronounce English like a native without taking this class. TES focuses on pronunciation and speaking, and Teacher Joe will explain any grammar that you do not understand. I was really happy to take this class. Thank you very much!

I was shocked at how much I needed to be corrected!

by Saaya

I went to a language school for about two months. Afterwards, I took a TES lesson, and I was shocked at how much I needed to be corrected each and every time I spoke. I don’t think there are many teachers, like Joe, who can make such corrections so carefully. Unlike other ordinary language schools, TES knows what Japanese people stumble on and what they are not good at, so lessons are specialized accordingly, especially in pronunciation. Thanks to TES, I can understand native speakers more than before. If you are going to a language school like I did and have a hard time improving or want to learn English well, I recommend taking Joe’s lessons.

Now, I can speak English with confidence.

by Masako

Joe was a wonderful teacher. It’s really difficult to pronounce English sounds correctly, especially all the vowels (a, i, u, e, o). However, Joe thoroughly and clearly explained how to pronounce everything, so all I had to do to improve was follow his instructions. He said that if you can pronounce a sound correctly, then you will be able to hear it correctly. At first, I was skeptical, but it was true. At first, I couldn’t understand native speakers. In Japan, everyday words such as “lemon”, “milk” and “level”, sounded quite different when spoken by a native person, and I often couldn’t understand them. As I started going to TES and practicing, I gradually improved my pronunciation and was able to understand native speakers. There has been a more dramatic change at TES than at my previous ESL school. Joe was a really wonderful teacher. I was very lucky to have him teach me English and help me improve a lot. Now I can speak English with confidence. My listening has grown dramatically too. If you want to learn real English, I recommend taking Joe’s class!

Get Unstuck!

by Yoshiko

I left my previous ESL school halfway through, so I could go to TES. At my old school, I didn’t feel like my language skills were growing. To be honest, I thought my previous school was a waste of money, and I could have had the same experience at a free language exchange. At TES, I could always talk directly with my teacher, therefore my pronunciation and grammar mistakes were always corrected during every lesson. In fact, he relentlessly pointed out every mistake (laugh). Eventually, the repeated corrections helped me to improve naturally, resulting in the correct use of articles and plurals. I noticed a number of pronunciation mistakes, like TH, R, F, etc., also improved. Lastly, Joe always taught me patiently even when I kept forgetting the meaning of the same words because of my poor memory. I believe I developed good speaking habits and would recommend TES, especially for those of you who feel stuck at the intermediate level.

Target Your Weak Areas.

by Minami

Joe patiently corrected me every time I made a mistake, especially in pronunciation and grammar. He helped me feel confident speaking in English. Thanks to Joe, I realized that even though I understood the grammar in my head, it was another matter whether I could automatically use it correctly in a conversation. I felt Joe was different from other tutors and online English conversation classes because he targets your weaknesses, and helps you thoroughly learn the basics of English, so you build good speaking habits. I felt that my weakness in English gradually diminished, and now I can communicate well. Even though, I took a limited number of lessons, I improved and noticed the difference. Don’t regret your English; take Joe’s lesson.

The Curriculum

    1. Before You Begin

    2. Let's Begin!

    3. About TES and How to Use this Study Guide

    4. Myths & Tips

    5. The Basics: Spoken English

    6. Ask a Question

    1. The Basics: Vowels

    2. Get Ready

    3. Schwa

    4. Practice: Schwa

    5. E as in Beg

    6. Practice Tip!

    7. Practice: E as in Beg

    8. I as in Big

    9. Practice: I as in Big

    10. U as in Bug

    11. Practice: U as in Bug

    12. A as in Hat

    13. Practice: A as in Hat

    14. O as in Hot

    15. Reminder: Big O

    16. Practice: O as in Hot

    17. Summary and Resources

    18. Ask a Question

    19. Quiz

    20. Please Share Your Thoughts

    1. The Basics

    2. Schedule Your 1st Session Here: 40 Minutes

    3. Schedule Your 2nd Session Here: 40 Minutes

    4. Schedule Your 3rd Session Here: 40 Minutes

    5. Schedule Your 4th Session Here: 40 Minutes

    6. Schedule Your 5th Session Here: 40 Minutes

    7. Schedule Your 6th Session Here: 40 Minutes

    1. The Basics

    2. N

    3. Practice: N

    4. Warning!

    5. R

    6. Practice: R

    7. L

    8. Practice: L

    9. TH

    10. Reminder: TH

    11. Practice: TH

    12. F

    13. Practice: F

    14. V

    15. Reminder: V and F

    16. Practice: V

    17. W

    18. Practice: W

    19. B

    20. Practice: B

    21. M

    22. Practice: M

    23. Message from TES : )

    24. T

    25. Practice: T

    26. SH

    27. Practice: SH

    28. S

    29. Practice: S

    30. Summary and Resources

    31. Ask a Question

    32. Quiz

    33. Please Share Your Thoughts

    1. The Basics

    2. Basic Rhythm

    3. Practice: Basic Rhythm

    4. Extra Stress

    5. Practice: Extra Stress

    6. Message from TES : )

    7. Thought Groups

    8. Practice: Thought Groups

    9. Intonation

    10. Practice: Intonation

    11. Summary and Resources

    12. Ask a Question

    13. Quiz

    14. Please Share Your Thoughts

    1. The Basics

    2. Rule 1: Link Vowel Sounds to Vowel Sounds

    3. Practice: Rule 1

    4. Rule 2: Link Consonants to Vowel Sounds

    5. Practice: Rule 2

    6. Rule 3: Link Consonants to Same Consonant Sounds

    7. Reminder: Word Linking

    8. Practice: Rule 3

    9. Rule 4: Link Consonants to Same Consonant Movements

    10. Practice: Rule 4

    11. Rule 5: Link Short Consonants to Different Consonants

    12. Practice: Rule 5

    13. Rule 6: Link D, N and T to TH

    14. Practice: Rule 6

    15. Rule 7: Link S to TH & TH to S

    16. Message from TES : )

    17. Practice: Rule 7

    18. Rule 8: Link Long Sounds to Any Sound

    19. Practice: Rule 8

    20. Rule 9: Link Words by Changing Sounds

    21. Practice: Rule 9

    22. More Practice #1: Word Linking

    23. More Practice #2: Word Linking

    24. More Practice #3: Word Linking

    25. More Practice #4: Word Linking

    26. More Practice #5: Word Linking

    27. Summary and Resources

    28. Ask a Question

    29. Quiz

    30. Please Share Your Thoughts

About this course

  • 62 videos & 51 text lessons
  • 48 practices & 5500 audio clips
  • 1:1 private coaching on Zoom

Toronto English School's founder & course creator:


After earning a bachelor's degree in Education, Joseph packed his bags and searched out new experiences by teaching in Asia. After a few years, he returned to Toronto where he has taught English for over twelve years.

During that time, he pinpointed and mapped all the stubborn issues his students struggled with and developed practical solutions. As a result, Joseph designed a powerful teaching method that inspires learning, targets each individual's speaking weaknesses, creates breakthrough moments and builds accurate speaking habits for effective lifelong communication.

In a quest to help as many frustrated English learners as possible become successful, Joseph spent over a year packaging his 12+ years of teaching experience and expert knowledge into The Ultimate Fluency Study Guide (UFSG).

If you feel unsure whether or not the UFSG is right for you, then please email all your questions to Joseph at [email protected]
English teacher


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 priority at Toronto English School is your satisfaction and success. Therefore, if you are not completely happy with this study guide for any reason during the first 14 days of enrollment, you will be provided with a full refund; no questions asked.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have other questions? Email them to [email protected]

  • What's the difference between the four UFSG plans?
    What's included in the study guide?

    - The content is the same for both guides/plans. The only difference is the number of 1:1 Zoom coaching sessions and level of support:
    Basic Plan = 0 Zoom sessions and no email/Q&A support
    Pro Plan = 6 Zoom sessions over 12 weeks with email/Q&A support

    - The one-time purchase of the Ultimate Fluency Study Guide gets you the following:
    > Lifetime access to the content
    > 62 video lessons, 51 in-depth text lessons, 48 interactive practices, over 5500 audio clips, quizzes and resource pages
    > See the curriculum section above for more details.

  • Is this study guide for everyone?

    The Ultimate Fluency Study Guide is specifically designed to help Asians succeed at learning English and become fluent, but the principles can be used to teach anyone.

    The study guide and 1:1 coaching sessions are only in English, so it's not recommended for absolute beginners. You will need at least high-beginner or low-intermediate English to be able to follow, understand and use this guide successfully.

  • What is the difference between The Ultimate Fluency Study Guide and other online English courses?

    Unlike other English courses, the UFSG:Pro has full support, which includes 1:1 coaching sessions on Zoom.

    The UFSG was designed to target your specific weaknesses and problems, and focus on useful English so your time is not wasted.

    The USFG's very different approach to teaching English is based on pronunciation, word linking and other essential speaking elements; grammar is not the main focus. Also, you will learn new concepts and techniques that you have never been taught before.

  • When can I join? How long will it take to finish the study guide? Is the schedule flexible?

    The Basic plan is self-guided, so it doesn't have an enrollment limit. If the TES schedule is full for the Pro plan or Zoom coaching, please contact Joseph at [email protected] to ask about future availability.

    - The UFSG has 62 video lessons, 51 text lessons and 48 practices. Depending on how much free-time you have, it can take as little as 2 months to finish the UFSG or about 4 or 5 months at a slower but steady pace.

    - You get immediate access to the first module with weekly releases of the following modules. There are no deadlines, and you get lifetime access to the UFSG. You can customize your study schedule however you like and study at your own speed.

    To book any of your 1:1 Zoom coaching sessions, use the easy in-course calendar portal. Sessions cancelled under 24 hours' notice will be lost. Sessions can be rescheduled with more than 24 hours' notice.

  • Would my employer pay for the UFSG or 1:1 Zoom lessons?

    Yes! Many employers pay for their staff's professional development, especially to improve communication skills. In other words, better pronunciation and increased speaking confidence helps employees contribute to the company's success and get promoted. Receipts are available by request.

  • Do you have a payment plan? Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

    - There is no payment plan.

    - Yes, there's a money-back guarantee. If you are not completely happy with this study guide for any reason during the first 14 days of enrollment, you will be provided with a full refund with no questions asked.

  • What kind of support will I get in this course?

    The UFSG Pro has 1:1 coaching on Zoom, email access and in-course Q&A sections where you can post your questions at the end of each module.

    The UFSG Basic does not have 1:1 coaching on Zoom, email access or in-course Q&A sections; it is self-guided and best suited for independent learners.

  • Can I buy extra 1:1 coaching?

    Yes. You have the choice to buy additional 1:1 Zoom coaching whenever you like.

    To book any of your coaching sessions, use the easy in-course calendar portal. Sessions cancelled under 24 hours' notice will be lost. Sessions can be rescheduled with more than 24 hours' notice.

    Scheduling availability (Toronto/Eastern time)
    Mon to Thurs: 7:30 to 20:30
    Friday: 7:30 to 15:00
    Saturday: 8:00 to 15:00

  • What happens if I fall behind or can't finish the study guide?

    Since there is no fixed schedule, you cannot fall behind. Also, your 1:1 coaching sessions will keep you on track and accountable. Lastly, you will have lifetime access to the study guide.

    If you are unsure that the Ultimate Fluency Study Guide is right for you, feel free to email any of your questions to [email protected]

Additional Online Courses

Please click on the course cards below to get more information or to enroll.
Send any of your questions to [email protected].